
Total Installs

Total incremental count of Xenko installations.

Installs Per Month

Total number of installations per month.

Installs Last 30 Days

Total number of installations per day.

Quits Per Month

Total number of installations that never opened the Game Studio per month.

Retain percentage

Total percent of users not quitting Xenko per month.

Xenko downloads per Month

Total number of completed downloads of Xenko in a month.

VS plug-in downloads per Month

Total number of completed downloads of the Xenko VS plug-in in a month.


Total Users Per Country

Total users per country since forever, top 20.

Users Per Country

Total users per country since 30 days, top 20.

Total Users Per Month

Total number of users that opened the Game Studio at least once in a month.

Total Users Per Day

Total number of users that opened the Game Studio at least once in the plotted day in the last 30 days.


Active Users Per Month

Total number of users that opened the Game Studio more than 5 times in a month.

Activity per day

Game Studio activity in a month divided by the number of days of the month, resulting in an average value per day.

High Usage Per Month

Total number of users that opened the Game Studio at least once for 10 different days in a month.

Team Activity

The number of different projects that were open by multiple users

Usage Per Version

Xenko version usage per month in the last 30 days.

Crashes Per Hour

Average of crashes per hour partitioned by version.

Platforms Usage Last 30 Days

Number of session/projects opened with the given platforms.